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Top 10 Supplement Recommendations from Dr. Derek Murphy

January 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — holisticmedicine @ 6:58 pm
Woman taking supplements in Orlando to support her health

“What vitamins or supplements should I take?” That is a common question I get asked by patients. Honestly, answering this question depends on your current state of health and what medical conditions you might have. However, I believe some supplements and vitamins can help most people. The following 10 supplements in Orlando are favorites for myself and my patients. Before adding any herbs or supplements, I recommend consulting with your doctor to ensure it is safe for you and there are no interactions with your medications. I would also like to make another important point that the quality of supplements or vitamins is of the utmost importance. The vitamins and supplements you traditionally purchase at big chain stores are usually not very good quality. They are typically full of preservatives, fillers, nonactive ingredients, artificial flavors, partial vitamins, or even worse, knock offs. These types of nutritional products, I would say, do more harm than good. 

1.     A Good Multivitamin

The first recommendation I feel would benefit most patients is a good multivitamin. The food we eat does not have the same nutrients it had decades ago, which can cause our bodies not to get the necessary level of minerals and vitamins needed in our diets. Also, we further deplete the nutrients we would receive from our diet alone with all the processed foods. The other point to consider is that stress, exercise, or other demands on the body can increase metabolic needs. Having a good daily multivitamin can help improve energy, wellness, and overall health.

2.     Probiotics

Another supplement I would recommend is a good probiotic. Many foods we consume, especially meats, are sprayed with antibiotics. When we eat the antibiotics indirectly through our food, they can kill the normal bacteria in our body. Also, many of us have been on antibiotics at some point in our lives for infections or illnesses. When you take an antibiotic, it not only targets harmful bacteria but good bacteria also. A wrong assumption is that the normal bacteria that are supposed to be there will automatically grow back if you take an antibiotic. However, this is not the case, and altered bacteria can cause issues for us like allergies, skin disorders, and general digestion issues. Most probiotics are heat sensitive, so if you see probiotics not refrigerated, that can decrease their efficiency. Remember, bacteria are living creatures. If the temperature increases too much, they either die or consume the limited food in the capsule until they starve and are no longer effective.

3.     Resveratrol

A supplement I use is resveratrol. Resveratrol is one of the most known supplements for anti-aging benefits such as improving memory, skin, and cardiovascular health. The Mediterranean diet is the most studied and is known for its cardiovascular benefits. This diet is high in resveratrol, which comes from grapes, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, and peanuts. Resveratrol can help repair and improve vascular function for the brain and cardiovascular system. It can also keep your skin looking young and healthy. 

4.     COQ10

Another great supplement is COQ10. As we age, we tend not to have as much energy as when we were younger. One of the theories of aging is that our body’s mitochondria decrease over time. The mitochondria are the body’s powerhouse, generating most of the ATP in our body. ATP is like the fuel of our body and what powers our cells to undergo chemical and physiologic processes. It needs COQ10 to complete this physiologic process. Certain medications can also deplete COQ10 in the body, like the statin cholesterol medication class. Cholesterol is necessary for the cell membrane, steroid synthesis in the body, and Ubiquinone, otherwise known as COQ10. A common side effect of statin cholesterol medications is muscle pain. Muscle pain and cramps can be a sign of COQ10 depletion as it is required to create ATP to help with muscle contractions. Supplementing COQ10 as we age or with certain medications can help increase energy and decrease specific side effects. I take COQ10 every day, and it has helped keep my energy levels constant.

5.     Liposomal Turmeric

A very well-known herb for inflammation is turmeric. I specifically recommend liposomal turmeric, otherwise known as Meriva, by some supplement companies. Turmeric is one of the most popular herbs for inflammation and pain. Putting turmeric in your foods or drinks can help reduce inflammation. If you have minor aches and pains, it can be beneficial. However, if you have a lot of inflammation or pain, small doses in your tea or food might not be effective. Liposomal Turmeric has higher doses, like dumping a bucket of water onto a fire. The liposomal coating is a fat coating for the capsule. The fat coating allows the turmeric to absorb through the gastrointestinal system and become more bioavailable.

6.     Zinc Carnosine

Zinc carnosine is a great supplement to help with heartburn or acid reflux. Acid reflux, otherwise known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a condition where a patient experiences burning of the stomach post-meals. The standard American diet is very high in fat and refined carbohydrates. These types of food require increased acid to break down. Traditionally, people take anti-acids like histamine blockers or proton pump inhibitors, decreasing acid secretion. Long-term use of acid blocker medications has been linked to potential risks. The risks include fractures, nutritional deficiencies, increased infections due to altered bacteria in the gastrointestinal system, and low stomach acid (which has been linked to certain cancers). Zinc carnosine can help repair and protect the stomach lining from increased acid production rather than decreasing the acid required to break down meals. It can also help repair the tight junctions in the stomach that can be damaged with inflammation.

I would advise if you have a lot of reflux or nausea infections, it should be investigated by a healthcare professional. Some causes could include H-pylori infections, small intestinal bowel overgrowths, and ulcers. All of these should be ruled out by a healthcare professional.

7.     Lion’s Mane

Lion’s mane is an excellent mushroom for memory and nerve repair. Some clinical studies have shown that lion’s mane can increase nerve growth factor (NGF), which can help repair nerves. Mushrooms have been used for thousands of years in medicine and have many medicinal properties. Since mushrooms’ DNA is closer to human DNA, it sometimes has better physiologic reactions with mushrooms than plants and herbs. Many patients have nerve pain from diabetes, alcohol, or other medical conditions which can cause neuropathic pain. Lion’s mane can help with neuropathic pain along with memory issues.

8.     Glutathione

Glutathione is a compound generated in the liver and red blood cells. It is used by the body to help to remove various toxins. Today, we live in a world where we are constantly exposed to chemicals, toxins, and different preservatives through our food, work, and environment. When we interact with these substances, especially when we consume or inadvertently absorb them through our skin, the liver’s job is to detoxify our body. Constant exposure to these substances can deplete glutathione in the liver. Many patients take N-Acetylcysteine or milk thistle, which helps regenerate glutathione. Certain foods like onions, garlic, broccoli, and shallots contain sulfur and sulforaphane. Both sulfur and sulforaphane help replenish glutathione. Many people do not realize a significant source of inflammation in the body is oxidative damage. Glutathione can help reduce inflammation and remove toxins from the body. 

9.     Berberine

Berberine is one of my favorite herbs and is very versatile. It can potentially help improve blood sugar and blood pressure, remove harmful bacteria from the stomach, and promote weight loss for some patients. Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common disorders in the United States. Type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance. It is believed that berberine helps with blood sugar by acting as an AMP-activated protein kinase which helps promote insulin sensitivity for the receptor. Another substance that can help with insulin sensitivity is a compound called butyrate. When our stomach has healthy bacteria, they produce butyrate, shown in some studies to improve insulin sensitivity. When we have harmful or abnormal bacteria in our gastrointestinal systems, it can decrease the amount of butyrate made. Berberine can help remove harmful bacteria to help increase butyrate. However, a word of caution with this herb is that it can act as an antibiotic, so it can cause an upset stomach for some patients as it kills the harmful bacteria. It would be advised to have a probiotic post-use to ensure the good bacteria are growing back in your gastrointestinal system.  

10. Quercetin

Quercetin is a good supplement for sinus congestion and allergies. There are many causes for allergies, pollens, molds, fungus, infections, and abnormal bacteria in our bodies. When you have an allergic response, mast cells release histamine. Histamine is one of the compounds that are responsible for allergies. Traditionally in medicine, we use histamine blockers to help with allergies. However, the over-the-counter allergy medications can also have side effects such as drowsiness, brain fog, and even heart palpitations in rare cases. Quercetin is believed to help stabilize mast cells from releasing histamine and promote allergy tolerance. When quercetin is paired with stinging nettle, they have a synergistic effect on allergies. One common problem I see consistently in my practice is patients with allergies who have had a lot of antibiotics. Many patients take probiotics for the stomach, but very few of my patients take probiotics that go under the tongue, which can help promote healthy bacteria in the nasopharynx. As previously stated, when you are placed on an antibiotic, it will kill both the good and bad bacteria. Unless the proper environment is in place for the good bacteria to continue to grow, you can get abnormal bacterial growth, which can cause symptoms.  

A closing point is that many more supplements, vitamins, herbs, and mushrooms can improve your health. However, they can also have side effects and risks. Before starting any new therapies, please talk to your healthcare provider or primary care doctor physician to make sure it is safe for you.

Meet the Author

Dr. Derek Murphy is a skilled physician who specializes in providing holistic medicine in Orlando. He often recommends supplements to help his patients naturally improve their health. To learn more about Dr. Murphy and his services, contact our office at 407-319-7541.

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