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Can Medical Marijuana Treat Inflammation?

September 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — holisticmedicine @ 5:26 pm
Doctor in background, holding medical marijuana product in foreground

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury and illness. On a short-term basis, it is a very good thing because it promotes healing. However, if inflammation becomes chronic or occurs when it is unnecessary, it can result in significant pain and other symptoms. Can medical marijuana ease inflammation? Yes! Let’s talk about how it works in the body to calm inflammatory responses.

Medical Marijuana and Inflammation

The chemical compounds in marijuana bind with certain receptors in the body, called cannabinoid receptors. There are two types of cannabinoid receptors: CB1 and CB2. While CB1 receptors are mostly concentrated in the brain, CB2 receptors are located primarily in the immune system and gastrointestinal tract.

CBD and beta-caryophyllene, two significant compounds in medical marijuana, bind with CB2 receptors. When the receptors are activated, the body’s cells release fewer cytokines. Cytokines signal immune cells to rush to the site of a trauma or infection, resulting in inflammation. Inhibiting these molecules can therefore reduce the body’s inflammatory response.

What Types of Inflammation Can Medical Marijuana Treat?

There have been limited scientific studies into how medical marijuana can address inflammatory conditions. However, research in animals, as well as personal observations from many people who have used marijuana, suggest that it can bring significant relief from the pain and discomfort associated with chronic inflammation. A few of the conditions that it may be able to relieve include:

  • Inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn’s disease
  • Arthritis, including both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
  • Fibromyalgia

How to Find Relief

Many traditional ways of addressing inflammation have limited effectiveness or come with unpleasant side effects. For example, NSAIDS may reduce inflammation, but they can also cause stomach pain and even ulcers. Some people find limited relief by altering their diet, but that is not guaranteed to work, especially if you have severe inflammatory symptoms. If such conventional ways of addressing your condition have not proven successful, medical marijuana might be able to help.

You can start your quest for relief by consulting with a doctor who is qualified to prescribe medical marijuana. After they learn about your symptoms, they will give you advice on your next steps. If marijuana seems like a good fit for your circumstances, your doctor may give you advice on how to take it to experience the best results. For example, some people find relief from arthritis pain by using topical marijuana products. Others prefer to smoke or ingest marijuana. Different methods of administration take different lengths of time to take effect, but many of them provide pain relief within minutes.

Inflammation has the potential to cause pain and adversely affect your quality of life. Medical marijuana may be able to reduce your symptoms.

Meet the Doctor

Dr. Derek Murphy has helped more than 2,000 patients find relief from debilitating symptoms via medical marijuana. If you live in the greater Orlando area and are curious about whether marijuana may be able to help you, Dr. Murphy and our team would be happy to answer your questions. Contact us at 407-319-7541.

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